I'm Nana Bauzá

My journey started with my amazing parents, history lovers, exploring new cultures, and having extensive and delicious meals when traveling.

From a young age, I was exposed to the beauty of traveling, exploring different locations, meeting new people, and learning new cultures and cuisines. I was a traveling baby, and I loved it.

Each summer, we would find new places to explore, and my father, the history king himself, would create the most unique and exciting tours for his family. We enjoyed walking, wandering, learning, and enjoying long meals after hours of exploring. 

Fast forward to March 2020, I had to cut my semester abroad in Paris short and head back home because of the pandemic. Like many, my family suffered very tense and anxious times, and being a Senior in college did not help.

Needless to say, we were going through a rough period, and to ease the anxiety, I constantly dreamed about being back in Europe, enjoying the sweet Parisian lifestyle.

After studying International Economics, I thought the best next step would be to study law, but I knew I had a big itch to scratch.

I’ve always loved history and dreamed about working in the tourism sector while in college. After graduating, I moved to Paris, where I participated as an English teaching assistant and taught English in primary French schools.

While I knew I would only have this job briefly, I enjoyed practicing my French, exploring gorgeous Paris, and experiencing delicious restaurants and bars.

During this time, I decided to pause my law school applications and start researching potential master programs and travel advisor certifications.

With much support from my parents, I also opened my Instagram page, where I recommend and help create unique traveling experiences... 

Nana Bauzá Travel  

Our History

In March 2022, Nana Bauzá (now Nana Buazá Travel) was born. I’ve learned a lot from my previous travel experiences and my parents. I’ve learned to shape the way I feel most comfortable traveling, and I want to share my experiences and knowledge with you so you can also create your unique travel experiences.

I’ve always seen traveling to new countries as a way to learn about their history, culture, and cuisine. I always try to live those days as locally as I can.

I believe that when you travel, even to a new and unknown location, trying restaurants, bars, and so on, that local enjoyment will only enhance your experience and create a truly unique adventure.

While I always set time apart to visit more tourist attractions, like museums and monuments, I try to ensure a part of my trip for more locally appreciated places.

I also visit sites that more prominent and more touristy cities would otherwise overlook. I also know that planning a trip and ensuring a more local experience can be stressful. I want to ease the stress of planning by recommending restaurants, bars, activities, and so on to provide a local and unique experience.

I want to help you accomplish an internal tourism travel experience without the headache of planning.

Creating unique travel experiences while taking away the stress of planning your next adventure!

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