Let's Talk About Clubs In Paris

france paris Oct 02, 2023

This is difficult since managing how to get it to the club is a hit or miss. I’ve had both horrible (my friend MJ will remember our special night) and, honestly, unforgettable nights out. 

Dressing up: you usually will have to dress nicely for a club in Paris. 

I’ve worn sneakers and have been just fine in some clubs (like Le Duplex, L’aquarium, and my favorite, Moi Lolitas, at Maxim's). I have seen women and men being rejected from other clubs in Paris for wearing sneakers (Pachamama and Medellin are the top that comes to mind.) 

It’s a situation where you sometimes dress as you would for a club and get rejected. My top tip is to find a cute but comfortable outfit that makes YOU feel iconic and extraordinary. 

My go-to outfit is black trousers, a cute black or white top, boots (or my white sneakers), and my purse (I’ve had times where I’ve gotten in and other that I can’t go in)   

Security and Bouncers: this is where it gets tricky. 

From my experience, going to clubs in Paris is such a gamble, and I can’t tell you if there is a way to master the system. 

For example, I once visited Le Carmen without a problem. The second time I went, it was a different outcome, and I couldn't enter. 

This also depends on when you visit Paris; if there are significant events like Fashion Week, it might be a bit more complex than other times - so beware of when you are visiting and plan accordingly.  

My tip: HAVE A BACKUP PLAN. I think this is the best advice I was given when feeling frustrated when I couldn’t enter the club. Because it is such a substantial hit-or-miss situation, I began researching and going to places where I knew I would have a great time with my friends (and had no problem getting in). We all had our list where we knew if we didn’t get to go into a club, we would head to our fave spots and still have a fantastic night out. 

It is very frustrating sometimes not being able to go to the club, but my mentality is let's see if we can get in, and if we don't, then we hit X place on our list where we know we will have fun. 

These were the places that I KNEW I would (1) get in and (2) honestly have the best time of my life: 

Moi Lolitas at Maxim’s - an iconic and old restaurant in Concord that turns into a club on Fridays only. The entrance is 12 euros. There might be a line, but it moves pretty fast. Follow their Instagram page for updates on whether they will have the party you want to visit on Friday. 

Comptoir General - museum turned club turned brunch place. It has excellent tropical drinks, and there is no entrance fee.

Bisou - although the bar (doesn’t have an entrance fee, and drinks range from 8-12 euros), the music and the even better drinks are excellent. 

Rosa Bonheur - they have various locations (one in the Seine and one in Buttes Chaumont). This place is gorgeous and has baby après ski vibes. The drinks are great, and there is no entrance fee. The Seine location is more popular, so it may have a line to get in.  


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