Spend a day eating around...Miramar

puerto rico Sep 30, 2023

I am biased on this one. Miramar has been my home since I was a little girl, and nothing has brought me more happiness than to see it flourish into one of the most beautiful places in San Juan. It has everything you might need to spend a fantastic day eating your way through Miramar. Here is Nana’s perfect day in Miramar! 

Rosa & Elena

Remember that neighborhood aunt restaurant I recommended in my first article about PR? Well, this is its fun, relaxed younger sister. Rosa & Elena transforms you into another realm with its contemporary style, whether you want a coffee (they have everything to make the best cup of café you might need) or their fresh juices (pro tip: when you come to PR, just have anything passion fruit aka PARCHA… thank me later), Rosa y Elena caters to everyone's desires for a fantastic brunch. 

I always order a jugo de parcha (she’s a basic parcha gurl). R&E offers everything from breakfast to brunch to lunch, so take your time scrolling through their menu. My tip: order the chicken and waffle! It is the absolute best dish I’ve ever had. The chicken is perfectly cooked, the waffles crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and let’s not even start on their honey and red pepper glaze. R&E is my new classic spot in Miramar, so make sure to stop by when you visit! 

Rosa & Elena 

954 Ave. Ponce de León  

Since you are already in Miramar, I highly recommend making a pit stop in Miramar’s MADMI (Museo de Arte y Diseño de Miramar). It is a small museum that explains some of the history of Miramar. They have contemporary artists display some of their work on the upper level, but my favorite bit is their section on Miramar’s architectural history. You will learn about the history of Miramar and what makes it such a beautiful architectural neighborhood of San Juan. 


607 Calle Cuevillas 

Coffee break? 

Lucía Patisserie

Miramar has many places to offer. If you come by on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, you shall make your coffee break at Lucía Patisserie. I have posted several times on Instagram why Lucía is so iconic. Our local neighborhood patisserie, Lucía, makes insane pastries that are just to die for! Whether you want a salty or sweet pie, Lucía has you covered. And, of course, the reason we stopped by was the coffee! It's a fantastic coffee spot that you cannot miss in Miramar! 

After that much-needed break, you can either walk through the neighborhood or, if you need a dose of vitamin Sea, walk down to the Laguna de Condado (you can cross the street right where the bridge starts carefully here) and just sit there and take in the beauty that is our island. 

Lucía Patisserie 

625 Ave. Ponce de León 

After some good dose of the ocean, Dinner

La Casita de Miramar 

Nothing more welcomes you to Puerto Rico than an excellent traditional meal (apart from the sea). La Casita is a superb spot for Puerto Rican gastronomy in Miramar. I have talked about their parent restaurant, La Casita Blanca, but since you are already in Miramar, stop by La Casita for an immaculate Puerto Rican vibe! I always recommend having the fried pork (a classic) with some rice and beans (and please ask them for some bacalaito). If it’s not hot enough, ask to be seated on their terrace to enjoy that warm ocean breeze while you eat your bacalaito. I love this place's vibes, and the excellent food makes me feel friendly and happy inside!  

Casita Miramar 

605 Ave. Miramar 

We can’t leave Miramar without some drinks.

Bar la Unidad 

I love this place, and you will know why if you read my previous article on Puerto Rico! Check out that last article to see why she is one of my favorite bars in San Juan! 

Bar la Unidad 

562 Calle Cuevillas 

I hope you enjoy this tiny Miramar guide! Since there is so much more to this fantastic neighborhood, I will be creating new guides to explore all that Miramar has to offer! 

Don't forget to pin this post for future reference! 


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