Spend a day eating around...Bologna

italy Oct 26, 2023
Bologna's terracota streets

As Lizzy McGuire always said, Italy IS where dreams are made of, and I stand by that wholeheartedly. Walking through the terracotta and cobblestone streets fills your body and mind with an unexplainable sense of relaxation and happiness. Everything from the people, culture, architecture, and, most importantly, the food creates a magical experience that will never be forgotten. It’s hard not to say Italy is one of my favorite countries to visit (I know I’m cliché), but once you step out of the airplane, you are transported into this remarkable setting. I was blessed to spend four days in Bologna, where, apart from traveling to other smaller cities, I had the most insane food journey there. After all, Bologna is called “La Grassa” for a reason, as it is a food lover's dream. I will share everything from my research to restaurants and itineraries to ensure you have the most magical food journey of your life. 

If you read my Italy guide, I spent a short time in Bologna and instantly fell in love. I remember taking the first bite of that fantastic lasagna from Osteria 051 and having an out-of-body experience. When my amazing friend S called me asking if I wanted to visit Bologna, I took it as a sign from the universe and hoped on the next plane to Italy. As I tried to learn the ins and outs of this city, I researched all the magical stops that needed to be made. I will commence by sharing the research and a bit of the town's history and including essential landmarks to visit. 

I began my research with this fantastic and highly comprehensive guide from the Common Wanderer, which gives a complete guide to all the things to do in Bologna. Here are the things I recommend you visit:

Bologna is a city with immense porticoes (or arched passageways) constructed in the Middle Ages as the town required more space and didn’t have a way to expand its streets. Although you will see many of them throughout your visit, one of the most beautiful ones includes the wooden porticoes of Via Marsala

The Piazza Maggiore is one of the most beautiful plazas I have visited. The grand Basilica di San Petronio in the middle and the Neptune Statue towards its sides represent Bologna’s lively city life. If you want to see the basilica, take a scarf to cover your shoulders to be let inside. Off to one of the corners, you will find the Quadrilatero, a gorgeous area filled with restaurants, bars, and tiny markets with fresh pasta. This makes the perfect spot to rest, have a good glass of white wine from the region (or an Aperol Spritz), and enjoy fresh pasta. 

Right towards the south of the piazza, and after you pass the Quadrilatero, you will find the Galleria Cavour. Filled with high-end stores, you will find a gorgeous linen store, Borgo Delle Tovaglie, towards one of the sides. In this store, you will find the most exquisite linens and decorations for your house. Just in front of this store is the Piazza Cavour; although smaller than the Piazza Maggiore, it makes for the perfect rest spot to enjoy the shade from gorgeous trees.  

Finally, Bologna houses these small hidden canals (often called Little Venice), where you will spot a small wooden door that opens to reveal these beautiful canals. One of the most well-known is in Via Piella

Now, we move on to food. 

We began our day with gelato…is there any other way to start the journey? Absolutely not. After our hour-long stroll along the Piazza Maggiore, Quadrilatero, and the Galeria Cavour, we headed to Cremeria Cavour, where I had their incredible ricotta, lemon, and cookie flavor gelato. This place is as fresh as it gets, with its gelato being made in front of your eyes. The perfect sweetness and freshness were mixed into one beautiful cup. We sat in the Pizza Caovur and enjoyed our treat before continuing our walk. 

We then moved on to one of the many delicious markets of Bologna: Mercato delle Erbe. Filled with amazing trattorias and small bars, we sat down to refresh from the heat and ordered some very light and fresh white wine while we snacked on some olives. This market is ideal for a relaxed spot to hang out with friends. 

By midday, we had reservations for a famous and delicious trattoria called Trattoria da ME. We enjoyed their incredibly delicious tagliatelle al ragu (a Bologna specialty). Because of our late reservations, I did feel rushed. I recommend making your reservation earlier to enjoy a more relaxed setting. 

After feeling very full but even happier, we found another delicious gelato. Before making our way to the gelato, we stopped in this gorgeous store called Profumo Di Fiori, where S bought an incredible candle, and I purchased a magnificent vest and shoes. I quickly fell in love with this store. 

We continued our stroll until we reached Cremeria Santo Stefano, an institution. I raved about this spot in my Italy guide, and I will rave about it again and again. I adore their mascarpone and pine nut gelato combined with lemon; it left me in awe. There is nothing better. 

We decided to return to the hotel and prepare for our fantastic dinner at La Taverna dai Peccati. I enjoyed a delicious lasagna with its incredible green pasta, and S had some delicious truffle pasta stuffed with ricotta cheese. 

Every place we visited had the most delicious food we have ever tried. I was left so content after this fantastic day.  

Finally, I will leave an article linked here on the seven secrets of Bologna. The goal of finding these secrets is to visit all the city's important landmarks. Try to see them all during your visit! 

 I cannot recommend you visit Bologna; it’s one of the best places I have seen, and rest assured, I will return. 

I include a Google Maps link to other restaurants that were either recommended or mentioned once or twice throughout my research that is worth a look if you want something different. 

Don't forget to pin this post for later! 


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